The Equality Act 2010: What does it mean to your school or setting?
In May 2014 the DfE published ‘The Equality Act 2010 and schools: departmental advice for school leaders, school staff, governing bodies and local authorities’
This guidance recommends a new lighter touch to the implementation of the Equality Act than first published and aims to remove some of the former tick boxing exercises and bureaucracy.
The Inclusion Support Service Kent offers schools and settings consultancy and training to ensure all educational establishments are able to meet the general and specific duties under the Equality Act.
General duty:
- To eliminate discrimination
- Advance equality of opportunity
- Foster good relations across all characteristics.
Specific duty:
- To publish information to demonstrate how they are complying with the Public Sector Equality Duty, and
- To prepare and publish equality objectives.
Our Offer:
Centralised training for SMT, Governors and Inclusion Leads through CPD online 15/11/16
Customised equality training and consultancy tailored to the meet the specific requirements of your school
We can support you to:
- Explore the legislative context of the Equality Act
- Develop confidence in understanding issues relating to equality
- Lead staff in reviewing, monitoring and ‘equality impact assessing’ policy and practice, in regard to groups with protected characteristics
- Meet the general and specific duty in regard to the Equality Act in your school/setting.
- Set SMART Equality objectives in line with your school improvement plan
- Increase your understanding of the Equality Act in relation to the latest Ofsted Framework
- Work through thought provoking activities (including case studies/scenarios), which build confidence and consistency
- Review the curriculum to ensure that equality issues are addressed in an age appropriate way, encompassing British Values through SMSC.
Further information and guidance has been provided by the Equality and Human Rights Commission:
‘What equality law means for you as an education provider: schools’
Tackling identity based bullying in regard to protected characteristics

ISSK provide specialist training which enables all staff in educational settings to develop understanding and skills when responding to racist incidents and tackling other identity-based (prejudice) behaviours.
These courses will enable participants to recognise, deal with and explore curriculum opportunities to prevent incidents of bullying and harassment from occurring. These are advertised through CPD online
- Recognising, dealing with and preventing racist incidents 2/02/17
- Equipping staff to tackle homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying in primary and secondary schools 1/11/16
We can also provide workshops which help children and young people to explore controversial issues e.g. stereotyping, identity, radicalisation, racism, homophobia, transphobia and biphobia, through tools such as Philosophy for Children (P4C).
Evaluations - What have people been saying about our Equality training (DOCX, 13.3 KB)

Contact Details

Gillie Heath, Manager
Telephone: 03000 41 70 93
Mobile: 07880 784528