Child protection and safeguarding
Education Safeguarding Service
Providing support, guidance and challenge to make sure children are kept safe.
Safeguarding contacts
How to contact the education safeguarding team.
Safeguarding training
Training for child protection coordinators to help meet national requirements.
Safeguarding policies
Safeguarding and child protection policies and guidance for schools, education providers and early years settings.
Online Safety
Advice, guidance and tools to promote e-safety in schools.
Managing allegations against staff
Advice and guidance for managing allegations.
Safeguarding for governors
Child protection and safeguarding guidance for governing bodies.
Child protection newsletters
Published 3 times a year, for schools, early years providers and local authority staff.
The Prevent Duty In Education
Information, resources, advice and guidance to support education and childcare providers to protect children and young people from radicalisation
Information on duty within schools for CSE and FGM.
Anti-bullying Survey 2023-24
Anti-bullying Survey 2023-24