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Safeguarding for governors

National safeguarding guidance and information for governors

Strategic safeguarding training for school governors

Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) requires for all governors and trustees to receive appropriate safeguarding and child protection (including online) training at induction, which is regularly updated. This course will help ensure all governors and trustees understand their safeguarding obligations.

The LADO Education Safeguarding Advisory Service provide an e-learning course with The Education People’s Governor Services which reflects the current KCSIE guidance. The e-learning has specifically been written to equip all governors with the knowledge required for them to be able to provide strategic challenge, and so they can test and assure themselves that the safeguarding policies and procedures in place in their school are effective and will help governing bodies to support and oversee the delivery of a robust whole school approach to safeguarding.

To compliment this course, the LADO Education Safeguarding Advisory Service also provide a separate, additional live training session for Kent governors with specific responsibility for safeguarding; we recommend the safeguarding governor and chair of governors access this additional training to explore the local Kent processes and their specific roles and responsibilities in more depth. This training can be booked centrally through governorhub.

Bespoke training for governors can be commissioned directly through the LADO Education Safeguarding Advisory Service.