Domestic Abuse
Behaviour is abusive if it consists of:
- physical or sexual abuse
- violent or threatening behaviour
- controlling or coercive behaviour
- economic abuse
- psychological, emotional or other abuse.
It can happen in family or romantic relationships. It is wrong, and there are services available to support.
Visit our Domestic Abuse support services in Kent and Medway page for more information.
Read our Kent & Medway Domestic Abuse Newsletter - Winter 2025, MARAC Launch 2025 and sign up to receive future newsletters
Also see our Family Hubs Domestic Abuse support section

If you are worried about a child please report your concerns through the KSCMP website
If you are concerned about an adult you can report abuse
The Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Referral Pathway

The Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Referral Pathway (PDF, 893.2 KB) gives you more information about domestic abuse, support services and tools to keep people safer.
Support services

In Kent and Medway you can contact Victim Support to access domestic abuse services for an assessment and referral to a local service.
Victim Support:
- call 0808 168 9111 (open 24 hours a day, seven days a week)
- use the live chat
For those with hearing or communication impairments use the Relay UK app or contact them in BSL
In Medway you can also:
- email
- call 0800 917 9948 (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 9:30am to 11:30am and 12:30pm to 2:30pm, or Thursday and Friday 9:30am to 11:30am).
SAFER Scheme

Professionals can make a referral to the SAFER scheme. This includes any security upgrades that help survivors to remain in their own homes, if they choose to do so. To make a referral complete the SAFER Scheme referral form

MARAC is a process where agencies share relevant information about high-risk cases and make collaborative plans to help the people in that situation and reduce the risk. If you identify someone as being high risk you should make a referral by completing the MARAC Referral Form
End Domestic Abuse

Join our campaign by sharing our messages on social media with the hashtag #KnowSeeSpeakOut. You can find out more about this campaign by visiting the Know, See, Speak out campaign page
Kent and Medway Domestic Abuse Strategy 2024 to 2029

For further information about helping people live free from abuse, visit our Domestic Abuse Strategy page
White Ribbon

You can also learn more about the work we have been doing with the charity White Ribbon which encourages people to take action to end male violence against women and girls.
Resources for schools
West Kent Local Children’s Partnership Groups have developed a resource and training package, to raise awareness of the impact of domestic abuse and wider adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) amongst primary age children.
The themes are domestic abuse and coercive control. It is aimed at students in KS4 and KS5 and there is an accompanying teaching resource (PDF, 2.1 MB) which has been produced by Oasis.
Children affected by domestic abuse

Children are victims of domestic abuse in their own right, experiencing rather than witnessing abuse between their caregivers. You can access support for children to process these experiences.
Safe Accommodation Support Service (SASS)

Children and young people currently residing in safe accommodation (refuge, dispersed specialist accommodation or a property with sanctuary scheme adaptions) can access support from the Domestic Abuse Safe Accommodation Support Service.
Community support

There are also support options that can be accessed through these organisations for children and young people not in safe accommodation: