Budgets 2024-25
School Funding Information 2024-25

- Budget overview message sent on behalf of Sarah Hammond (DOCX, 24.7 KB)
- School Budget guidance (DOCX, 233.7 KB)
- Local Funding Formula rates (PDF, 23.5 KB)
Templates and Associated Guidance
- Primary and secondary school funding template (XLSM, 4.8 MB)
- Primary and secondary school funding guidance (PDF, 2.0 MB)
- Calculation of special school funding rate (XLSM, 115.4 KB)
- Special school funding template (XLSM, 1.5 MB)
- Special school funding guidance (PDF, 2.0 MB)
- Academy funding template (XLSM, 4.7 MB)
- Academy funding guidance (PDF, 1.1 MB)
- Alternative Provision district summary (PDF, 23.4 KB)
- Alternative Provision school detail (PDF, 140.4 KB)
- Alternative Provision school academy trust summary (PDF, 19.5 KB)
- Early years deprivation calculator (XLSM, 4.9 MB)
- Early years deprivation guidance (PDF, 225.6 KB)
- Cash flow template (XLSX, 92.0 KB)
- Universal infant free school meals calculator 2024-25 (XLSX, 10.8 KB)
National Funding conditions and allocations
- Early career framework
- Mainstream schools additional grant 2023-24
- National professional qualification targeted support funding - Academic Year 2023-24
- National tutoring programme - Academic Year 2023-24
- PE and sports premium (conditions) - 2023-24
- PE and sports premium (allocations) - Academic Year 2023-24
- PE and sports premium (allocations) - Academic Year 2024-25
- Teachers' pension employer contributions grant 2024-25
- Pupil premium - 2023-24
- Pupil Premium - 2024-25
- Pupil Premium Plus - Virtual School Kent
- Senior Mental Health Lead Training
- School staff instructor (SSI) funding grant - Academic Year 2023-24
- Teachers' pay additional grant 2024-25
- Universal infant free school meals - Academic Year 2023-24
- Universal infant free school meals - Academic Year 2024-25
- Core schools budget grant 2024-25
Copyright licenses in schools
Devolved Formula Capital (DFC) allocations
Advances timetable
Section 251
The following Section 251 education budget and outturn statements are produced as a guide to headteachers, governors, members and officers of the county council on the budgets delegated to schools. They are produced in the format specified by the Secretary of State.
As these are publicly available documents, these are hosted on Kent County Council's public website.
Section 251: Education, budget and outturn statements
Contact details

If your query relates to the budget calculation, please contact:
If you have a query relating to capital, please contact:
Ruth Giles
Telephone: 03000 41 69 30
Email: Ruth.Giles@kent.gov.uk
Should you buy your insurance through Kent County Council and need a breakdown of the elements which make up your charge, please contact:
Insurance Team
Telephone: 03000 41 65 39
Email: insurance@kent.gov.uk
If you have any other query, please contact Schools Financial Services on 03301 651 001.
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