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Resources for Schools

The importance of regular school attendance has never been greater following the Covid-19 lockdown which caused significant disruption to the education of children and young people across the country, and the impact for families continues to be felt far and wide today. The DfE attendance guidance itself could not have a more meaningful title as working together across our schools, local authority services and with wider partners to help overcome barriers to children’s attendance is pivotal to achieving positive impact.

The KCC school attendance handbook, primarily designed for schools breaks down into greater detail the ‘Kent way’ of implementing the guidance, and what we are all expected to do in line with existing national guidance and legislation. The handbook also includes reference to other related subjects such as exclusions where there has also been updated guidance published by the DfE. You will find an array of links to informative resources throughout the document.

Please note that as the School Attendance Handbook is in PDF format, some documents in the appendices cannot be accessed. If you require the Handbook in Word format to access embedded documents in the appendices please email

As an alternative to producing a one size fits all model attendance policy, PIAS has created a checklist to aid schools who may need to revise their policy to align it to expectations set out in the Department for Education’s Working together to improve school attendance guidance

PIAS has created a checklist to help schools align their practices with the DfE Working together to improve school attendance guidance:

The document below details at what stages PIAS may become involved and the intervention that may be provided to try to improve a pupil’s attendance:

PIAS has created some guidance for schools when considering facilitating a parenting contract as referenced in section 6 of the Department for Education’s Working together to improve school attendance guidance:

The DfE Working together to improve school attendance guidance places an expectation on local authorities to facilitate Targeting Support Meetings (TSMs) with all schools. PIAS has created some frequently asked questions and terms of reference which provide more detailed information for schools about TSMs and good practice to promote their effectiveness:

The leaflet below is for parents to promote their child’s regular attendance, and schools may wish to provide copies to parents or share on their social media.