Guidance on tracking young people
KCC has a statutory duty to track the learning and employment activities of all young people up to the age of 20, or up to the age of 25 for those with learning difficulties and report monthly to the DfE. As this is a statutory duty, education institutions have a duty to provide information to support this process.
County Tracking Briefings

If you would like to download the SIMS EIS guidance to tracking documents and school tracking templates please go to the Tracking Young People page.
You can also download the privacy notice templates for parents and pupils.
You can also view the webinar The Skills Employability Service Annual County Briefing 2020
What we track

- Information on young people who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET)
- What Year 11 students intend to do the following September (get a job, go to Sixth Form etc.)
- Learning offers given to Year 11s and all Year 12s. All learners in these age groups must have an offer of further learning
- How many young people under the age of 18 are not participating in learning.
Destination Measures

Schools and colleges are to be made accountable for their Careers Guidance and the performance of their institution through the Destination Measures:
- the KS4 measure is based on activity in the year after the young person left compulsory schooling
- the KS5 measure is based on activity in the year after the young person took A level or other level 3 qualifications.
The measures are based on participation in education employment or training in all of the first two terms (defined as October to March) of the year after the young person left KS4 or took A level or other level 3 qualifications.
They currently have experimental status, but the KS4 measure is published alongside other headline performance data, on the DfE website - the Destinations of Key Stage 4 and Key Stage 5 students document provides guidance on the destination measure. The KS5 measures is expected to become a post-16 accountability measure in 2016.
What we use this information for

We use this data to plan how we deliver effective, targeted services for young people and to identify and support NEET young people.
We aim to reduce the number of Kent 16 to 18 year olds who are NEET to 1%. The work of the NEET 2 EET forum is key to achieving this goal and to raise the participation age.
How schools can use tracking data

The Local Authority will provide schools with an annual report on the destinations of their learners. This information will enable to schools to review their success in helping their learners progress into employment, education or training.