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Tracking Young People

KCC has a statutory duty to track the learning and employment activities of all young people up to the age of 20, or up to the age of 25 for those with learning difficulties, and report monthly to the DfE. As this is a statutory duty, education institutions have a duty to provide information to support this process.

Effective tracking by KCC is critical to:

  • secure sufficient suitable education and training provision for all young people aged 16 to 19 and for those aged 20 to 24 with a Learning Difficulty Assessment in their local area
  • encourage, enable and assist young people to participate in education or training; tracking young people’s participation successfully is a key element of this duty. As well as new duties for 16 and 17 year olds under Raising the Participation Age (RPA)
  • promote the effective participation in education and training of young people in their area
  • establish the identities of young people failing to fulfil the duty to participate in education and training.

Therefore, your cooperation and support in sending us the correct information as and when required (see the below descriptions) is much appreciated.

Statutory School Data Collections
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School Post-16 Enrolment Data

Record your learners who have entered post statutory education in your establishment using this template:

Columns in orange are mandatory. Only one line per learner may be recorded with the qualification being the highest level that the learner is studying. All learners attending post statutory education must be recorded including those who are of post statutory education age who are attending in a statutory education year. Please ensure that the return does not include any leavers who have not returned to your school.

Key Return Date: 13 September 2024

School Joiners and Leavers

Record details of any joiners to your establishment of Year 10 or above using this template:

Record details of any leavers to your establishment of Year 10 or above using this template:

Columns in orange are mandatory. Only one line per learner may be recorded with the course where relevant being the highest level of course that the learner is studying. Please return via KCC Perspective Lite ensuring that the file name shows the name of your establishment followed by joiners and the date - using the tag Tracking YP.

Key Return Date: Last working day of every month.

September Guarantee offer 2024

Record any offers (guaranteed or conditional) that your establishment has made to young people of current school Year 11 or 12.

Return Deadline: 26 April 2024

Destination Survey

School reports showing the destination of your Year 11 and Year 12 students over the last three years.

College Data Collections
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Enrolment Data

Record your students using this template:

Columns in orange are mandatory. Only one line per Student to be recorded with the Study program, core aim that the student is studying. All students aged 16 to 19 (or 25 if they have a SEND) based on age at the start of the course must be recorded including those returning for a subsequent year of a Study Program started in a previous year.

Please return through KCC Perspective Lite ensuring that the file name shows the name of your establishment followed by joiners and the date - using the tag Tracking YP.

Key Return Dates: 29 September 2023, 27 October 2023 and 28 February 2024

Joiners and Leavers

Record details of any leavers or joiners to your establishment using this template:

Columns in orange are mandatory. Only one line per student to be recorded with the Study program and Core Aim that the student is studying for those aged 16 to 19 (or 25 if they have an SEND) based on their age at the start of the course.

Return Deadline: Last working day of the month.

September Guarantee offer 2024

Record any offers (guaranteed or conditional) that your establishment has made to young people of current school Year 11 or 12.

Return Deadline: 31 March, then last working day of May, June, July, August.

NEET Monthly Reporting
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If you require direct access to the monthly NEET report, please contact us through the email address below.

Contact Details
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Please contact us by emailing

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