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Updated DfE guidance for admission of summer born children

Updated advice for admission authorities and parents on the admission of summer born children to school.

The DfE have recently published updated advice for admission authorities on the admission of summer born children to school, together with newly published advice for the parents of summer born children. You can find copies of both guidance documents on the Government website

The newly published parent guidance is aimed at the parents of summer born children, who may be considering delaying their child’s start in reception. This guidance is intended to help these parents to make an informed decision about what would be right for their child. It explains the process for requesting admission outside of age group and sets out information on the options available to parents and the steps they need to take to arrange a delayed admission for their child.

Guidance aimed at admissions authorities updates previous advice and all schools should take the opportunity to refresh their understanding of this topic. Secondary schools will start to see an increased volume of requests from parents of summerborn children who have now completed Primary education and it is important that they are prepared to respond in line with legal duties.

If schools have any queries, please contact for more advice.