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Threads of Success - September 2018

Catch up with some of the training and products that Early Years and Childcare are delivering over the next few months.

How to break even and avoid bad debt
Is your setting financially viable? Are you covering all your costs? Are you accruing or carrying bad debts? The purpose of this course is, firstly to understand the break-even process and how you can adjust costs to help your business become self-sustainable and, secondly, to demonstrate the impact on a business of accruing bad debts.

Ideal for:
Those decision makers responsible for setting fees and procuring services. This training would also be useful for the administrator or record keeper of the Early Years or Out of School setting.

Marketing and promotion for success
Would you like to raise the profile of your Early Years or Out of School setting? This course is an introduction to marketing and how to promote your childcare provision and is centrally funded and Free to providers within the Kent LA boundaries.

Ideal For:
Managers and staff responsible for marketing and promoting the Early Years or Out of School Setting. This training would also be valuable to Committee Members, Employees and Volunteers with an interest in raising the profile of the setting.

A Successful Charity
The aim of this course is to identify and understand trustee legal commitments, responsibilities and the need to plan for continuity. Please bring your Constitution or Governing document.

Ideal for:
Chair of the Committee, Committee member, Early Years Practitioner and Early Years Setting Manager.

I can talk boost YR and KS1
Talk Boost KS1 is a targeted and evidence-based intervention programme, which supports language delayed children in Reception and Key Stage One (KS1) to make progress with their language and communication skills. The programme is delivered in Primary schools by classroom teachers and assistants and provides a structured programme that accelerates children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 18 months after a 10-week intervention.

This intervention is an excellent, and well evidenced, use of Pupil Premium.

Each school attending the training must purchase an exciting and comprehensive toolkit per year group. The 'one off' cost of the Talk Boost KS1 'Bundle' is £480. Please note: At the end of October the cost of the Talk Boost KS1 ‘Bundle’ will be increasing to £500.