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Homes for Ukraine - newsletter for schools

We have put together a newsletter for schools which we hope will be helpful and supportive to those who have Ukrainian children attending.

Over the last couple of months, we have identified some issues and some knowledge that we feel would be beneficial to be shared with schools and have decided to do monthly updates (in line with monthly newsletters that we send to Ukrainian families on the Homes for Ukraine scheme and their hosts).

Please find the October Homes for Ukraine newsletter for schools (PDF, 313.8 KB).

This month is quite packed, just because we are updating on things over the last few months. Going forwards, it is likely that the newsletter will be no more than a couple of sides of A4, but we aim to cover the following sections in each:

  • Ukrainian culture relevant to students and schooling in Ukraine
  • Training opportunities and school support
  • Childrens wellbeing and mental health support (including both English and Ukrainian options)
  • Homes for Ukraine service communications to parents (for information and to maintain consistency on messages given).