Local Government Pension Scheme
The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is the main pension scheme for our staff (in non-teaching post) and most employees will be contractually enrolled at the start of employment, unless you choose to opt-out.
It is a Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) scheme - you build up a pension at a rate of 1/49th of the amount of pensionable pay you received in that scheme year. The amount of pension built up during the scheme year is then added to your pension account and revalued at the end of each scheme year so your pension keeps up with the cost of living.
Full details of the LGPS can be found via the Kent Pension Fund website
Kent Pension Fund issue regular Newsletters and Bulletins. These contain important information and we strongly advise you to read these (you will need a password to access them - please see below).
Note from the Local Government Association (LGA) on the Exit Cap
The LGA have published an information note for employers on the exit cap. The document is available on the LGPS employer guides and documents webpage. It supplements the information provided on the Scheme Advisory Board’s website.
The document sets out a process for employers to follow from 4 November 2020 for redundancy and efficiency exits, where the employee is a member of the LGPS and aged 55 or over.
We are currently working on similar document for LGPS administering authorities.
You pay, we pay
What you pay into your pension will depend on which pay band you are in and is based on the actual pay you earn and the bandings are assessed 1 April each year and quarterly throughout the year. The contribution rate you pay will be shown on your April payslip each year and again each time it changes. Should you feel the contribution rate is incorrect please see the appeals process.
The Employer's contribution from the 1 April 2020 will be 21.1%, increasing to 21.2% from 1 April 2021 and to 21.3% from 1 April 2022. All KCC Academies have been advised by the Pension Fund of their contribution levels.
- Members Contribution Rates 2020/21 (PDF, 8.4 KB). Please note, the rates for 2020/21 have been revised.
Automatic enrolment
Auto enrolment is a government initiative to ensure working people have an opportunity to contribute to a work place pension scheme.
Note: KCC, including all maintained schools (C, VC, VA and Foundation), undertook the Re-enrolment process on 3 June 2019.
Pensions Re-enrolment
Auto enrollment is a Government initiative to ensure working people have an opportunity to contribute to a workplace pension scheme. Kent County Council enrolled its eligible workers (which included staff in maintained schools) into a qualifying pension scheme, Teachers' Pension Scheme (TPS) or Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) in March 2013. Part of the legislation relating to auto enrolment requires KCC to re-enroll its employees every three years. The next re-enrolment is 3 June 2022.
Important information for employers
Kent Pension Fund website login and password
If you forget either of these please e-mail retirements@kent.gov.uk with your school name and the name of your payroll provider.
Retirement (including flexible retirement)
Retirement is when you decide you no longer want to continue working. Paying into a pension scheme whilst you are working will provide you with an income in retirement. Being a member of the LGPS also provides protection for your family - a lump sum death grant and survivors pension for your spouse, civil partner, eligible cohabiting partner and/or eligible children.
You need to have two years membership which (may include transfer from previous pensions) of the LGPS to be eligible for pension benefits. (This is known as Vesting period).
Retirement - Normal Retirement Age (NPA)
Your NPA is the same as your State Pension Age (SPA) and if you are a member of the LGPS retiring at NPA, providing you have met the two year vesting period, will provide pension benefits without any reduction. You can, however, defer drawing your benefits but you must draw them by age 75.
Early Voluntary Retirement (age 55+)
You can retire from age 55 without employers consent, providing you have met the two year vesting period, but your pension benefits will normally be reduced to take account for their early payment and the fact your pension will be paid for longer. How much they are reduced by depends on how early you draw them. The reduction is calculated in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary of State and details can be found via the Kent Pension Fund website
Flexible Retirement (from age 55)
Flexible retirement gives you the opportunity to access your pension whilst still working by reducing your hours and/or grade. Permission is required by your Manager/HeadTeacher/Chair of Governors and you must reduce your salary so that your new income (salary plus pension) is less than you currently earn.
Early Retirement - Ill Health Grounds
If you leave work due to illness you may be able to receive immediate payment of your benefits. You will need to have met the two year vesting period and an Independent Occupational Health Physician must be satisfied that you will be permanently unable to do your own job until your normal pension age and that you are not immediately capable of undertaking gainful employment.
Early Retirement - Redundancy from age 55
If you are made redundant and are age 55 or over you must take your retirement benefits.