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Kent school and colleges Anti-Bullying Survey now online

All responses are confidential and anonymous, participation is free to all schools and colleges.

To tackle bullying effectively it’s crucial that the voices of children and Young People are heard; in the last two years over 32,000 pupils from across the county shared their views and experiences, making this Kent based survey the largest in the UK by far.

You have until the end of January to take part in this year’s Anti-Bullying Survey.

Completion of the survey is free and confidential, and will provide your school with detailed analysis of how safe your pupils feels in school and out of school as well as the impact of any anti-bullying measures that have been put in place.

Reporting of individual school data is free for all Kent maintained schools, free schools and academies.

To take part in the survey or register for a tailored report and an individual named school link by visiting Kelsi or the Salus Group website

Reporting of tailored comparison data against our regional and national datasets costs £50 or is free for all schools currently registered on the Salus SAS Anti-Bullying Award Program.

Participation and reporting is free for all schools currently registered on the Salus SAS Anti-Bullying Award Program.

If you have a question or would like more information about the Anti-Bullying Survey visit our website or email

Contact Details

Jill Allen
Telephone: 07739 858239