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Sensory Impairment in Special Schools

The Best Practice Guidance (BPG) for Sensory Impairment in Profound, Severe and Complex Needs (PSCN) Special Schools was developed in 2013 by the Sensory Links from Kent’s Special Schools and the STLS Sensory Service. The Sensory Link programme was established to encourage collaborative working and to improve outcomes for pupils with sensory impairment. Each Special School has a nominated Sensory Link within their staff group who meets regularly with the teachers for sensory impairment to highlight progress, discuss concerns, and prioritise specialist interventions.

To support the Sensory Links, specialist sensory training events are provided by the STLS Sensory Service twice a year (Sensory Link Forum). Opportunities are also provided to exchange ideas, resources and strategies that have been successful at their school.

The BPG document takes the form of a checklist that can be used for self-assessment to evidence good practice and to identify areas for development or training. The BPG can also be used as an observational tool to identify good teaching strategies and to act as a framework to shape future interventions.

At the request of the Sensory Links, bite-sized Quality First Teaching sections have been provided in an additional document that can provide a focus for development in the classroom.


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