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The PRU, Inclusion and Attendance Service (PIAS) Digital Front Door

The PIAS Digital Front Door is an online platform for communication by schools to the local authority.

The PRU, Inclusion and Attendance Service (PIAS) Digital Front Door is an online platform for communication by schools to the local authority. There are ten pathways and these include:

  1. Notify of suspension or permanent exclusion
  2. Notify of a potential Child Missing Education (CME)
  3. Notify of a deletion from Admissions Register (*see below for Post 16)
  4. Notify of a part-time timetable
  5. Invitation to Formal Attendance Meeting
  6. Request a Fixed Penalty Notice
  7. Request statutory attendance intervention
  8. Request inclusion advice for a pupil
  9. Request for single registration at a Pupil Referral Unit
  10. Request PIAS advice and support (KCC services only)

The guide to the DFD (PDF, 369.3 KB) has been created for schools to outline the various forms on the Digital Front Door on the KELSI website and update on some changes which have been made over time.

*Post 16 only

KCC has a statutory duty to report data monthly to the DfE on the destinations of young people up to the end of Year 13 or until the young person’s 25th birthday if they have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Therefore for post 16 pupils only, schools are required to send their leaver and joiner information on a monthly basis to Management Information though Perspective Lite. This is instead of sending information to PIAS; not as well as. Full information can be found on the Tracking Young People page.