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Serious Violence Duty - consultation with education

The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) is leading the work with agencies to develop a three-year strategy that will drive the work on the prevention of serious violence across Kent and Medway.

The PCC is working with Police, Youth Justice services, Probation, Councils, the Integrated Care Board and the Fire Service to understand how violence that affects individuals and communities can be prevented, and to set out a strategy that will drive the work of organisations to make the County a safer place. As part of the work the PCC has asked that the views of those working in education are included as education is a significant protective factor and critical to helping prevent violence. The relationships that education professionals have with children, young adults and parents mean that there will be a depth of knowledge about what works and what is needed, and the PCC is keen to ensure that this knowledge informs the strategy.

The strategy will be agreed by the Serious Violence Prevention Board which is chaired by the PCC and which includes the Police, Youth Justice Services, Probation, the Integrated Care Board, all Councils and the Fire and Rescue Service.

Please complete the survey and share the link with colleagues so that any findings are informed by as wide a range of views as possible. The survey will close on Friday 1 December 2023.

If there are any problems with completing the survey then please email