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Senior Supervisory Assistant (SSA) allowance applicable until September 2024

The new SSA allowance, payable to teachers undertaking lunch time supervision, is £11.44 per hour with effect from Monday 1 April 2024.

This is an hourly, not sessional allowance/rate. This rate increase is to reflect significant increases at the bottom end of the pay scale.

This allowance will be applicable until September 2024, thereafter, it is the intention that it will be withdrawn. This is on the following basis:

  • the current SSA is used on an ad-hoc basis by very few Schools
  • the SSA is an advisory rate but the duration of the session for which the SSA is payable is not clearly defined;
  • Provide clarity regarding the contractual terms for the employment of teachers in these roles since the work being undertaken is not covered by Teachers Terms and Conditions
  • staff undertaking similar lunchtime cover arrangements are on Kent Scheme Terms and Conditions

There is therefore a need to provide clarity on the salary and terms and conditions for this work. It is recommended the SSA is replaced with KR3 pay rate on a Permanent Relief contract as a Midday Supervisor with effect from Sunday 1 September 2024. A model Job Description for HR Connect clients and Kent Maintained schools will be available from HR Connect to accompany the transition to the KR3 grade in due course.

Please speak to your HR provider if you have any questions on this change.