ReferKent reaches 130 organisations across Kent!
1 December 2023
ReferKent is an online referral platform aiming to bridge the gap between signposting and referring, with a growing number of organisations on board.
Now with 130 organisations on board, ReferKent is growing into an online directory of organisations and services accessible to the adult residents of Kent. The platform enables quick and simple referrals to be made between organisations, using a system that is secure and GDPR complaint.
We are encouraging organisations, including education professionals, to sign up with us as referral partners to enable the residents of Kent to access the right support at the right time. Organisations can sign up to make referrals, or make and receive referrals, to a wide range of support - from debt and money management to mental health to housing advice. We also have every Citizens Advice Bureau in Kent registered.
The ReferKent offer also includes training on how to navigate the system, monthly online Networking Sessions and monthly Spotlight Sessions which showcase individual organisations we have on ReferKent, as well as a regular newsletter.
Find out more here on the ReferKent website or contact us on
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