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Funding for energy projects

The government have made changes to the way funding support is provided for energy saving and renewable energy projects.

Direct, interest free Salix loans have been ended and Government is likely to draw a close on revolving Salix funds like the one operated by KCC for schools. Also large one-off grants have been offered by the Government including the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme through which KCC were granted £20m for projects on corporate buildings.

LASER and KCC have assisted many schools with LED lighting upgrades and solar panel projects, often using Salix funds. Many more Kent schools are interested in reducing carbon emissions towards net-zero through projects such as Solar, low carbon heating systems and lighting upgrades.

In order that we can be in the best possible position to utilise existing funding and apply for any future funding schemes for schools we are keen to get input from Kent schools on the type of support you need to help you towards zero carbon emissions. We would be grateful if you could answer the short questionnaire