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Balance Control Mechanism (BCM) 2023-24

This is a reminder to all schools that the fundamental principle underpinning the BCM is that the funding received for the current financial year is predicated on the cohort of pupils at the school during that period, and should be spent on those pupils during that period.

Due to extenuating circumstances and the economic climate, the rules were relaxed slightly for the 2022-23 financial year. For the 2023-24 current financial year, the rules around BCM have returned to normal and that approval for exceeding BCM is only for specified allowable reasons, which are:

  • Capital projects
  • Funds held on behalf of other schools
  • Late allocation
  • Other grant and payments.

Evidence is required to support approval for all of those four allowable reasons.

For PRUs, the BCM threshold is agreed at 12% of all income for the year.

If any schools have concerns regarding their BCM, please contact