SEND Reflection Tool
Are you looking to strengthen your team’s inclusion knowledge, practice and the provision you provide for children and their families? The SEND Reflection Tool can help you to achieve this.
The SEND Reflection Tool has six sections:
- Leading SEND Practice
- Whole Team Approach
- Working with Children and Families
- Assessment, Early Identification and Support
- Effective Use of Funding and Resources
- The Local Offer.
The SEND Reflection Tool provides you with a self-reflective framework to evaluate aspects of your team’s SEND knowledge, your whole team practice and the quality of the provision you deliver to children and their families. The tool will facilitate and empower reflective discussions within your team and help you to identify your setting’s key strengths and areas for development. This tool has been designed to provide flexibility in how it is used and is designed to be revisited overtime as part of your quality improvement cycle.
Request a copy

This is free to all Kent Early Years providers.
Early Years Settings - request a copy using the online Early Years Equality and Inclusion Team request form or email
Childminders - request a copy by emailing the Childminding Team at
SEND Reflection Tool Webinar

A SEND Reflection Tool recorded webinar is available on The Education People’s website. The webinar explores the layout of the SEND Reflection Tool and how you can engage with this as a team to support you in your reflective journey. This webinar can be viewed free of charge for all Kent Early Years Settings.
Group Reflective Conversations

We are hosting some ‘SEND Reflection Tool Group Reflective Conversations’ facilitated by an Equality and Inclusion Adviser. These meetings will provide the opportunity for settings to learn from each other, share examples of great practice, discuss challenges they are facing and how these might be overcome.
If you would like to attend one of these group conversations, please email to request further details.