A message from Christine McInnes:
20 September 2024 weekly update
20 September 2024
This week, Christine updates on the communities of schools, the ‘This is Me’ early intervention service for neurodiversity launching in Maidstone schools and shares the dates, times and locations of the upcoming KCC headteacher briefing meetings.
Dear Colleagues,
Communities of schools
Thank you to the many of you that have attended the four Communities of Schools events this term. This is a significant step forward in establishing the structures and we are carefully considering your helpful feedback to inform the next phase. I was particularly delighted to see the way the Continuum of SEND needs and provision is shaping up, successfully condensing the huge amount of information you have generated. Thank you to all involved in the planning and delivery of the events.
‘This is Me’ early intervention service for neurodiversity launching in Maidstone schools
I wanted to update you on another exciting development. As you know, the Autism Education Trust has been working with KCC over the last two years delivering well received training and consultancy to the education sector led by Melissa Devine. During that time we have been talking with representatives from the Integrated Care Board and health service providers about a better way to support pupils who are on a pathway seeking a diagnosis of ADHD and autism, as well as better supporting their families and schools. These conversations have resulted in the establishment of a Pan-System Neurodiversity Steering Group to help us take a joined-up approach. We made a successful bid to DfE to fund a pathfinder programme in 20 Maidstone schools informed by the This is Me early identification and school-based intervention pilot and this is being launched next week, with a rigorous evaluation which will inform the future rollout of this approach across Kent over time. More information on the background can be found on the Kent and Medway Integrated Care System website
Key meetings and visits
This week I attended the Education Asset Board; SEND Transformation Board; SEND Improvement and Assurance Board; and Kent Safeguarding Children Multi-Agency Partnership Scrutiny and Challenge Group. The first Scrutiny Committee focused on SEND took place and you can read the report if it’s of interest
Upcoming KCC headteacher briefing meetings
I am pleased to share the dates for next term’s KCC headteacher briefing meetings which will take place face-to-face.
The full agenda will be circulated nearer the time, but I am delighted to confirm that Lee Selby, Assistant Regional Director for Southeast at OFSTED, will be joining us for the first part of the briefing to present on key updates following the new Chief Inspector taking up post and the election of the Labour Government along with local inspection updates and take questions.
The dates, times and locations for the briefings are as follows:
- Monday 11 November from 1pm to 4pm
Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Avenue, Ashford, Kent, TN24 8UX
- Friday 15 November from 9am to 12noon
The Inn on the Lake, 36 Lake Place, Hoylake, Kent DA12 3HB
- Monday 18 November from 9am to 12noon
Mercure Great Danes Hotel, Ashford Road, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 1RE
- Friday 22 November from 1pm to 4pm
Darwin Conference Centre, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 7NZ
To book a place, please complete the booking form
I hope to see as many of you there as possible.
Enjoy your weekend.
Christine McInnes
Director of Education and SEN