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In year fair access protocol

Kent's Fair Access Protocol (PDF, 331.2 KB) for Primary and Secondary school age children sets out the protocol which will operate in Kent in partnership with schools. Kent’s Fair Access Guidance (PDF, 262.5 KB) also contains the common principles to be adopted by Kent Fair Access Panels. It is designed to ensure that access to education is secured quickly for children who meet the criteria, and to ensure that all schools and academies understand the obligation to admit their fair share of vulnerable children and that no one school is overburdened.

This protocol reflects KCC’s responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people as well as educational attainment and achievement.

The Fair Access Protocol is a process that is required by legislation and must be applied where children are hard to place and unable to access education. Mostly it is not used because local inclusive practices are adopted ahead of its application but its agreement by the majority of schools in the county is a legal obligation. Kent’s Fair Access Protocol for Primary and Secondary school age children is a requirement of the School Admission Code 2021. This protocol applies equally to all schools and academies and reflects the Fair Access Protocol guidance issued by the Department for Education (DfE) in August 2021.

Kent’s process continues to put Headteachers in their localities, at the centre of decision making about the identification of appropriate education provision. This updated protocol offers a fair and transparent process that can be applied consistently across the county, upholds the rights of individual students and schools; whilst recognising and retaining the opportunity for individual localities to develop their own inclusive practices.

KCC continues to provide the requested In Year Fair Access Referral form (DOCX, 58.0 KB). The use of this form brings an element of consistency across the county for when panels deliberate on individual cases.

If you would like to speak to our In Year Team, please email