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HS157s - Online Accident Incident Reporting for Schools

Fix for completing two-part forms.

Due to GDPR requirements and an upgrade of Kent County Council's forms software, the way that you approve part two of the health and safety incident forms has now changed. Please use the updated HS157/HS160 Accident Incident Reporting form if a health and safety incident has occurred which requires you to report it. If you are approving an incident for the first time you will need to set up a user account on Firmstep using the steps below. Once your account is set up you will be able to complete part two as the responsible person by using your login. Please find instructions below:

  1. If you have not set up a user login for Firmstep’s Dashboard, on completion of part one of the online accident/incident form you, as the responsible person, should receive 2 emails:
    1. Email 1 from with the subject line:
      An administrator created an account for you at Web Login

      You need to click the link within the email to change your password, which is the first part to activating your account.
    2. You will then receive:
      Email 2 from with the subject line:
      Follow these instructions to complete the HS157 Form

      Once you've activated your account (as per email 1), you can refer to email 2 for the next steps.
      You will need to login to the dashboard to complete the activation process.
      Once you’ve done this, reply to Email 2 to let the Digital Services team know.
  2. You will then get Email 3 which contains a link to approve the accident report relating to the incident in your premises.
  3. If there are future incidents at your school premises you will only need to log into the Firmstep Dashboard to approve the report.

Contact Details

Health and Safety Team
Telephone: 03000 41 84 56